In the scope of Health and Safety at Work, several training actions were carried out on the 24th of January at our facilities.
The day started with gymnastic exercises at work, followed by the topic “Manual Handling of Loads”, where the legal framework was made, explaining the concept of ergonomics and manual handling of loads. Employees were also alerted to the consequences of inappropriate postures and informed of preventive measures in the application of manual handling of loads.
Also in the morning, a training and awareness campaign was held on “Alcohol and its effects”.
During the afternoon the training action was “Safety at Work at Height”, addressing the legal framework, its concept, accident statistics, unsafe acts and dangerous conditions, fundamental principles in preventing falls from a height and protective equipment collective.
Safety rules in the use of stairs and elevating platforms were also reminded. As well as the procedure for cleaning, checking and inspecting personal protective equipment when carrying out work at height. Finally, there was also talk of safety in the assembly of lifelines.