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Integrated management systems

fulfils the requirements of the norms NP EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001

The SGI of INSUFLAR fulfils the requirements of the norms NP EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001 within: "Marketing, production, Assembly and Design of pavilions, inflatable, structured and pressured and respective accessories covers."
The policy of quality, environment and safety of Insular, Lda. is based on the following commitments:

- Innovation in the products and services presented, with a view to offering quality, that will meet customer requirements with minimum environmental impact with a continuous improvement and prevention of pollution;

- Continuous improvement of our internal organisation and management of resources, for an increase of the efficiency of the company;

- Establishing partnerships with suppliers to promote the improvement of results promoting the use of raw materials from sustainable management;

- Ensure a high level of competence of all employees and a climate that favours your commitment, the your technical development, the promotion of good environmental practices and the provision of excellence in the relationship with the client;

- Promote a management by objectives and monitor continuously the performance indicators, in order to review and respond in a timely manner the results obtained;

- Regularly Assess environmental impacts and to ensure full compliance with legislation, another regulation or environmental requirements applicable to its activities;

- Reduce the production of waste to landfill, tried to always choose the best routing possible and more favorable to the company and the environment, through a careful selection.

-To ensure a safe and healthy working environment, promoting training and information of its employees about the inherent risks at the company's activities, sensitizing them to comply with the security standards and hygiene at work, safeguarding always the enforcement of legislation.

- Identify hazards, assess risks and develop preventive actions with the purpose of minimizing or eliminating risks, promoting the continuous improvement of working conditions, in order to provide healthy and safe working conditions for the prevention of work accidents and illnesses for the health of employees.”

- Ensure and involve all employees in participation and consultation on aspects of the environment, quality and safety and health at work, through questionnaires, SWOT analysis, meetings and opinions, carrying out a careful analysis and subsequently developing actions as a way of continuous improvement of the SGI.

In this way, the Inflate Lda. ensure the necessary resources for the functioning operation and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the integrated management system of quality and environment, com view cumprir os requirements da NP EN ISO 9001:2015 and NP EN ISO 14001:2015, NP ISO 45001:2019 legais e outros requirements requirements.

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